Auto Accident Injuries
Exceptional Chiropractic Care in Palm Harbor, Florida
Auto Accident Injury & Treatment: How To Recover

A car accident is something that can be over in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, the lasting concerns that come from an auto accident are not likely to be so accommodating with time. Instead, it’s likely that the person will have to figure out what is wrong with their car and how to get it fixed, what insurance will and won’t cover, and many other problems.
But what may be the most pressing issue after an auto accident is the lasting health of the individual. North Pinellas Spine and Joint is here for those that need help with their auto injury accident treatments, as they provide a variety of different services that patients can rely on to get back to better health.
Physical Pain
Headaches and Migraines
Changes In Sleeping Cycle
Chiropractic Care
Massage Therapy
Exercise Rehabilitation
Don’t Let Your Pain Stop You From Living Life
What Symptoms Should A Patient Be Looking For After An Auto Accident?
Physical Pain
One of the most common symptoms that people will have to deal with after a car accident is the actual physical pain that comes from a collision. Even the smallest fender-bender could leave lasting physical pain, and larger accidents typically result in larger health issues.
In either event, Dr. Joshua Bly can assess the symptoms that are related with the physical pain, as well as suggest therapy and treatment options to get the patient back to living a more normal and comfortable lifestyle.
Headaches and Migraines
Having a headache after a long day of work is not something to be too concerned about. However, if the headaches are occurring more commonly in even the most relaxing of settings, then this could be a symptom of further damage that has occurred because of a car accident.
In many auto accidents, patients will damage soft tissue in the neck, which could result in increased headaches, migraines, abnormal vision or even vertigo. In the event that this happens, treatment can significantly help alleviate the issues.
Headaches and Migraines
Having a headache after a long day of work is not something to be too concerned about. However, if the headaches are occurring more commonly in even the most relaxing of settings, then this could be a symptom of further damage that has occurred because of a car accident.
In many auto accidents, patients will damage soft tissue in the neck, which could result in increased headaches, migraines, abnormal vision or even vertigo. In the event that this happens, treatment can significantly help alleviate the issues.
Changes In Sleeping Cycle
Another concern after a car accident is the inability to sleep or get a full nights rest. Sometimes this occur sdue to the emotional damage of an accident, but often it’s associated with the pain. Not getting the right amount of sleep can completely affect a person’s ability to function properly, as patients will feel excessively fatigued and tired.
After an accident, the body can react in a variety of different ways. Each patient is different, which is why it’s important to get individualized treatment to be set back on the course to recover.
What Options Are Available At Our Palm Harbor Office For Auto Accident Injury Treatment?
Each patient who visits their chiropractor will learn that there are a variety of different treatment options available. The first step is to evaluate the symptoms that a patient has, as this can help determine what option may be the best choice for treatment.
Chiropractic Care
When it comes to the issues that have been sustained in an auto accident, one of the treatment options that should be considered is chiropractic care. Chiropractors are trained in auto accident injuries and how to treat patients who need assistance. North Pinellas Spine and Joint is a 5 star reviewed office in the North Pinellas area. Our office provides a multitude of different treatment options, beginning with chiropractic care. In the event that symptoms don’t let up, there are other options a chiropractic clinic can provide.
Massage Therapy
Massages are incredibly comfortable and they aim to help patients relax. A massage can do wonders after a car accident, as it shows patients how to calm down.
In addition, trained massage therapists are familiar with how to deal with auto accident injuries and will be able to relieve the affected areas.
Massage Therapy
Massages are incredibly comfortable and they aim to help patients relax. A massage can do wonders after a car accident, as it shows patients how to calm down.
In addition, trained massage therapists are familiar with how to deal with auto accident injuries and will be able to relieve the affected areas.
Exercise Rehabilitation
A complete chiropractic care facility offers many different options, including exercise rehabilitation. An auto accident can limit an athlete’s ability to be themselves while on the court, field, ice, gym or wherever else they play their sport.
Therefore, there are rehabilitation options available that are specific to help with athletic performance.
Don’t Let Your Pain Stop You From Living Your Best Life in Palm Harbor
Patients who have sustained an auto accident injury and need treatment can consider chiropractic care as a way to help them alleviate the problems.
The injuries sustained in a car accident may have changed the way a patient goes through life, but Dr. Bly and his staff can help them get back on the road to a healthier and more comfortable lifestyle!
Don’t Let Your Pain Stop You From Living Your Best Life in Palm Harbor
Patients who have sustained an auto accident injury and need treatment can consider chiropractic care as a way to help them alleviate the problems.
The injuries sustained in a car accident may have changed the way a patient goes through life, but Dr. Bly and his staff can help them get back on the road to a healthier and more comfortable lifestyle!